My [Patrick's] availability, or lack thereof

A forum for discussion on the software for the WMT River Control System
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Joined: 25/11/2019, 13:34

My [Patrick's] availability, or lack thereof

Post by PatrickW »

I need to address the matter of whether and when I might work on the control logic again, as I have been somewhat in denial about the fact that I haven't been available to do it.

I overestimated how much energy I would have to work on things like this during weekday evenings after work. In reality, I am currently only likely to work on it during periods when I am on leave from work. And there are plenty of other, higher-priority things competing for those same time periods.

I do still hold out hope of getting around to it eventually, and my sense of it is that there probably isn't more than a few weeks' work left to get what I started into a "finished" state, but the reality is that I do not know when I might actually do it.

So, if someone more available comes along and wants to take over what I started, or wants to sweep it away and start again, then don't let me stand in their way. I would be glad to help them get up to speed if they need help understanding what I wrote before.

Sorry for flaking out.

Most of the time, I am not closely monitoring the forum, so if anyone needs me urgently it will be best to contact me directly.
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